We now interrupt our regularly scheduled blog for the Second Annual 72 Hour Film Shootout. Over the next three days, I’ll be leading a team that will be competing against 50 or so others to write, shoot, and edit a six-minute film, based on a theme to be given tonight by the contest organizers. The final film is due Monday at 8pm.
I’m very happy to have assembled a great cast and crew.
Team Beckoning Kitty Kats is:
JP Chan, writer/director/producer
Kavi Ladnier, actor
Debargo Sanyal, actor
Aaron Yoo, actor
Christopher Low, director of photography
Daniel Valdez, sound recordist
Rich Song, editor
Catherine Lee, assistant director
Cooper Madison, composer
Time permitting, I’ll blog with updates throughout the weekend so that Bklyn Blggng readers can join us in this fun but nerve-wracking adventure. Wish us luck!
(Den of the Beckoning Kitty Kats)